Akuanduba is a strategic solutions agency in communication and environmental, social and governance initiatives for brands and companies already established or planning to enter the market. ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance), our tripod of action has become imperative in business: in addition to mitigating climate risks and developing regenerative and clean production chains (in the countryside and in the city), a growing portion of people adopt an ethical way of consumption, giving preference to companies committed to sustainability.

Today, it’s no longer enough to have less impact – it’s time to start the regeneration.

Now it’s time to create new habits.

Now is the time to face up to the fact that nothing affects the environment, public health and land use as immensely as food production.

It is necessary to replace the current and unsustainable model.

It is essential to change to ensure a viable future for everyone who lives here, whatever species they are, wherever they are.


To help brands develop and consolidate products and projects in the food sector, that positively impact the planet.

About us

Ailin Aleixo

Gastronomic journalist, podcaster and communicator, has been writing about food for 20 years with an increasingly attentive eye on the socio-political-environmental impacts of the production chain. Founder of the website and podcast Vai Se Food, one of the largest in the country in the segment, judge on the reality show Top Chef Brasil and a speaker. The experience accumulated in these two decades of visits to producers, farms, restaurants and factories, in more than 30 countries, was translated into this motto: What we eat shapes the world.

What we do

Content marketing

Content has the power to boost a company/brand’s visibility, turn it into an industry authority, attract media attention, create positive and organic engagement, generate sales leads, and much more. However, this only happens if this content has quality, is reliable, creative and directed to the right audience using appropriate language.

We, at Akuanduba, bring companies closer to clients through different formats (offline and online) such as events, videos, white papers, eBooks, posts on social networks, guides, articles, webinars and lectures, among others. For each scenario, a different solution.

Communication strategy

The following are essential for an effective communication strategy: analysis of the product/brand and competitors, detection of points of interest and differentials for the consumer, in-depth study of the target audience, definition of language and design of the media plan.

The communication strategy may include:

  • Focus Group
  • Digital marketing
  • Influencers
  • Storytelling


Innovative products need to be understood by the consumer. Therefore, it is essential to invest in public education through lectures, classes, seminars and events. We, at Akuanduba, create special custom formats, produce journalistic audiovisual pieces and curate the brand’s spokespersons, among other educational actions.

Product launches

We accompany the launch of a new product from conception, providing development consultancy, sensory analysis, perception tests against competitors and market positioning. We have strategic channels to generate experimentation through events, food service partner and activations at fairs and large festivals.

Clients and partners


Talk to us

55 11 98311-1404 (WhatsApp), contato@akuanduba.com.br or fill in the form below.